I ate rolling by hand sushi with my friends(15 people) on Friday. there were a lot of ingredients so we enjoyed to choose ingredients and to make it by oneself. I think the best ingredients were tuna and kimchi.
after that I drunk beer with 5 friends and talked about my name which is "Yuichi". because sometimes my friends called my name and made a mistake even they are Japanese. the reason is person of a similar name. "Shinichi" is our friend and "Yusuke" is their friend. that's why they confused to call my name. then we thought about new my name...YUICHI...YU...ICHI...finally they decided my name which is "ICHI". I'm not sure they remember it or not, becasue they decided it after drunk beer too much.
anyway thanks for gave me a new name! it is the first time that I was called "ICHI" by friends.
they call u "ichi"!?
sounds interesting!!
i'm envy u hv sushi party!><
hi~ Hina
yes, they call me "ICHI".
I'm not yet used to the name. so I confused still now. hehe
sushi party was very good! I just ate them without talking with my friends!!
how about "yuko" ? haha
it makes me nostalgic for our happy time in RIT ~
yes, new nickname is ichi which is from "itchy". sounds similar. only Renee, Misako and you called me "yuko" ahaha~. I miss that time>_<
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